Friday, February 25, 2011

Resurrection in the first novel I have read by Mike Duran. I look forward to his writing more such novels. The authors website:
In conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.
We read in scriptures about the sick being healed and the lame walking, and even Lazarus rising from the dead. We may wish for a friends not to have died, or even one more conversation with them. However, we might be freak out alittle as this book shows, if they sit up in their casket at the funeral especially after we laid hands on them. A great read to show God at work, and realizing the strength of our simple prayers in fighting evil. A great Christian read in the style of great science fiction. A good read. Like I stated give me more like this one.

Not only is it a good read, you get a bonus, it is simply Christian. One Christians can read and face their own lives and faith, a real plus, and a new look at what you say you believe. An maybe, an eye opener to what happens when your prayers are answered, it may just be more then you can handle. An answer may make you rethink all you know and believe.
Check out other reviews:
Noah Arsenault
Brandon Barr
Red Bissell
Book Reviews By Molly
Keanan Brand
Kathy Brasby
Grace Bridges
Beckie Burnham
Melissa Carswell
Jeff Chapman
Christian Fiction Book Reviews
Carol Bruce Collett
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
Wanda Costinak
Amy Cruson
CSFF Blog Tour
Janey DeMeo
Cynthia Dyer
Tori Greene
Nikole Hahn
Katie Hart
Joleen Howell
Bruce Hennigan
Becky Jesse
Cris Jesse
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Emily LaVigne
Shannon McNear
Matt Mikalatos
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Joan Nienhuis
John W. Otte
Gavin Patchett
Sarah Sawyer
Andrea Schultz
Tammy Shelnut
Kathleen Smith
Donna Swanson
Jessica Thomas
Steve Trower
Fred Warren
Dona Watson
Phyllis Wheeler
Nicole White
Dave Wilson

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Angel Sister, a new novel by Ann H. Gabhart. Available February 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Angel Sister meets a abandoned child on the step of a local church where her grandfather is pastor. She takes the child home because she is hungry and knows she will find food to give her, even though it is 1936 and families across the country are struggling to keep food on the table. The child names Kate Merritt Angel Sister, because her mother has instructed her to stay and wait for an angel to find her.

The child settles in to her new family, only to find other people in the congregation have made other arrangements. Kate assumes the role of protector and is determined to remain a loyal sister to this abandoned child. Whose name Lorena Birdsong her mother has instructed her to say everyday so she remembers who she is, and she sings and swirls as this becomes a daily ritual with her. This makes her an unforgettable character.

The family who embraced her as her own, Kate, her parents and sisters, learn to sing their own names, as each of us can to remind us of who we all in difficult circumstances.

I received a complimentary copy from the publishers.

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Author’s web site -
Author’s Facebook page -

Check out other reviews of The God Hater, by Bill Myers.
Noah Arsenault
Red Bissell
Thomas Clayton Booher
Keanan Brand
Rachel Briard
Beckie Burnham
Morgan L. Busse
Carol Bruce Collett
Valerie Comer
Karri Compton
CSFF Blog Tour
April Erwin
Amber French
Andrea Graham
Tori Greene
Katie Hart
Ryan Heart
Joleen Howell
Bruce Hennigan
Becky Jesse
Cris Jesse
Becca Johnson
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Emily LaVigne
Shannon McDermott
Matt Mikalatos
Rebecca LuElla Miller
John W. Otte
Sarah Sawyer
Chawna Schroeder
Andrea Schultz
Tammy Shelnut
Kathleen Smith
James Somers
Donna Swanson
Jessica Thomas
Steve Trower
Fred Warren
Dona Watson
Nicole White
Dave Wilson
Kathy Brasby

Monday, February 21, 2011

The God Haters by Bill Myers. Published by Howard Books. A 2010 Christian novel compels you into a computer AI game predicting the results of free will. The characters' believes are played out in scenarios within the game, and face the implications.

The main charater hides his lostness by his denial of God. His soul was wounded by the loss of his only son. One of the strongest connections for this reader was the revelation of the characters in the game are in the image of this lost son.

I received a complimentary review copy from the author.

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